
Designer:Claire Prosser Designer:Diana A.V. DaPontes These are other designer maked masks,they were used different materials, in addition, these works have more modern element that can uselise in my work. Designer:Lynn Lamonde The designer is good at making mask from South Africa or Africa minority tribe i think.they like Peking Opera of China have more ColouredContinue reading “Research2”

Design through observation week3

This week is the last week of through observation, and I began to feel some pressure, because I am going to complete three or four different things, including finished product production, such as finishing my sketch book, researching the jewelry wearing of the work and making my finished product. At this time, I suddenly realizedContinue reading “Design through observation week3”

Design through observation week1

This week we have a new project Design through observation, so we need do a project can to solve problem or situation that we feel could be improved through design. I research about when people to take or hold bag that bag will be damaged for your hands. Like notebook computer bag, school bag, travelContinue reading “Design through observation week1”

3D Design laser cutting week 2

I continue my laser cutting work, and i finish my first idea drawing. I think it need a attractive surface, the butterfly very suit it. I think everyone don’t dislike butterfly. so, I want do it. It have simpleness appearance and practical function. But it’s size so big, I didn’t laser cutting it. So iContinue reading “3D Design laser cutting week 2”

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